by bodybuilder
I apologize in advance if I'm writing so much, too much about this game but I love him so much and I'm sick to continue to lose.yet another 2p game tonight, my opponent goes first and takes the double hull
for the rest of the game the double hull is no longer come out!! bad luck!!
we both had plasma cannons, and my opponent explored towards me to attack, (having a double hull, he was strong)
I did scans with 3-4 planets orange, but then he came to fuck around, I managed only to retain a hexagon with 2 starbases
I never had a chance to recover, he stole my hexagons and I lost resources so I could not build ships or buy technologies
what I should do? explore in order to block access to my opponent (for example, by closing the whormholes that he was creating to attack)? however, so there would be no interaction in the whole game!
please help me understand where I'm wrong, before I was turtled, now I attack too soon, I can not understand when I must do something and when the other