by Quirky1
I would like a table that I could look at and quickly estimate if a player is doing well or not compared to some generalized benchmarks on a turn per turn basis.DISCLAIMER:
Yeah, yeah, I know all the limitation of such a system, and yes I do know that every game is different and it is all about the diplomatic or macro situation or you are not in need of such a crutch since you have seen it all before. This question is for beginners and for my own satisfaction so I can see that I do make the right estimations.
We assume a six man game, we assume everyone is playing fairly well and that no one gets completely eliminated, but military tactics actually do yield an extra system here and there at some cost to their military. And that turtle races do spend some materials for their fleet in order not to get attacked.
The questions should be: How am I doing? You look at the table, check your race, the turn number and get an answer like this (just an example and not taken from any real game):
Human Turn 5: 10/10/10, 6 techs, Fleet cost 27 pnts, 5 systems.
If I have 15/6/12, 4 techs, fleet size 12 pnts and 4 systems I can start to ask my self questions like;
Do I have need of that much economy, is it part of my strategy?
My 4 techs are they extra good techs for my strategy or do I have a lot of science in my stock?
Why is my fleet so small, am I really that safe or have been blessed with peaceful neighbours?
My 4 systems will they really be enough to have a winning score in the end or do I have to expand, maybe my systems are extra good or have Orbitals, etc?
One could set this up based on strategy instead of race, but races differ so much at the start, so maybe one should have the different races and then 3 humans with different strategies?
Turn 9 should be a "standard" winning score for that race/strategy in a very even game, in short a competitive score.
If Planta has 6, 8 or 10 systems how dangerous are they? The Hydrans have 12 techs turn 6 is that average or very good?
Are there any one that have some rough estimates based on a few average but close games? OR maybe the expertise to create a table on the fly that we can adjust together?