by lofung_hk
I had these thinkings in my mind for extended period of time but I am not confident to speak it out loud. Although i play roughly 2-5 games every week depending on the number of players i come across, I realize that I will not have enough sample size to confirm it. Hence I am posting here after some 'testing' and look backs. I am grateful if you give me ideas or the phenomena in your group.proposition #1. 3er game outcomes mainly depends on what the group picks.
(a)if 2 players choose a simcity race and the other military, two simcityers are likely to win
(b)if 2 players choose to military and the last one to simicity, the simcity guy is highly likely to lose.
(c)if all players go simcity or military, no conclusion.
SimCity races are: hydrans, dracos, plantas and to some certain extend turtle mechanemas
Military races are: eridani, orions and to some certain extend offensive mechanemas and humans.
These classification is discussible but the main point is simcity or military.
The logic behind is simple. for (a), a military race is likely to kill someONE. So if one simcity player is killed, the other one will be let to boom and he will be matchable and likely out-marco the military player. No, the military is highly unlikely to kill them both at the same time or one after another except with some extreme luck.
For (b), obvious. the juggernauts will divide the weaker, even they do not attack it explicitly but do virtual pinning and threating.
proposition #2: nerving the missiles makes science player stronger. particularly hydrans. The more your nerf, the more problematic they are. To some certain extend orions also.
Forget about Eridani.
Again it is simple. the popular variant that requires the missile with N energy is the same. Every weapon now requires energy. Energy requires science. And hence.
I would like to invite all those who play a variant on misslies it out. Particularly
(1) those who apply a missiles variant requiring it more energy
(2) those who play in a group with misslies variants but do not believe that it is overpowered at all.
My honest opinion is: missiles are good. They are a good catalyst to enlarge the lead but nowhere near IMBAlance.
proposition #3: the best techs in the game are actually improved hulls, advanced robotics and quantum grid. Missiles WITH/or +3 computer is only tier 2.
While the two hockey pucks are obvious, obviously unstoppable except you (hostilely) buy it before someone, improved hulls justifications are the follows:
1.It is cheap. 3/4 science
2.It voids all ion cannons. Do not tell me that you have problem massing hulls
3.It makes all plasma cannons ‘on par’. Quotations are put because they require energy. Hulls do not.
4.It is extremely effective against missiles itself. Most cruisers, dreads and starbases will have at least one hull. In case of mass missiles. Just put 2 more hulls or even fill all spaces with hulls.
5.In case someone get missiles with +2/3 computers, you have 2 options. Go for wormholes or shields while wormhole is a better choice.
6. Get antiwallofhull cannons, the player loses. Unplug the hull for the win.
proposition (or corollary soon) #4: improved hulls are imbalanced in games with missiles nerves.
Obvious. #2 and #3.
Discuss and data. Prove or disprove. Will check spellings and grammar again when I have time. Tired now after 4 games. I do not know if it is in the correct category or not. Move the thread when deemed necessary.